
Message of Sound

Item 1 of 2
€ 15,00 € 13,00 (including VAT)

Cymatic film and photos of sound resonance in water  - VISIBLE SOUND -
An audio-visual experience: what you see is what you hear.  -  

This film is a registration of sound-resonance in water, made visible by the reflection of light.

There are 2 parts:
Part 1. - Film: Sound-resonance in water
Part 2. - Cymatic Photo Show: Sound-resonance in water


Part 1. - Film:  Sound-resonance in water
duration 30:14 min.
Film: by Danny Becher
Music by Danny Becher and TONUS-Ensemble

Subtitles and music:

1. DIDJERIDOU - by Pauli Mårsén
2. EARTH - by TONUS - Taiko drum, stones, darabuka, talking drum a.o.
3. TIBETAN BOWLS, GONGS and VOICE - Danny Becher
4. WATER - by TONUS Ensemble Stockholm - Peo Hagfeldt, Pauli Mårsén, Danny Becher
5. A SOULS SONG - from Touched by sound - Danny Becher
6. DIDJERIDOU - by Pauli Mårsén
7. BUTTERFLY SONG - Crystal singing bowls - Danny Becher

Part 2. - Cymatic Photo Show:  Sound-resonance in water
duration 21:40 min.
98 photos - All photos and music by Danny Becher

Subtitles and sound tracks:

8. BUTTERFLY SONG - (part 2) - Crystal singing bowls
9. AEOLIAN FINGERPRINT - Lithophone / tuned rajasthani granite stones

Total time of the DVD 51:54 min. 

Specification Description
Barcode 68997316007
Weight 0,1 Kg


Nederlands Nederlands English English

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